Saturday, 21 March 2009

Where are you between? Atruim show 2009

I have been involved in a show at the Atrium entitled Where are you between? translated from the Welsh Blerwytirhwng? the subtitle is Nine artists interventions.

The brochure introduces the exhibition as follows:

The nine exhibiting artists, all masters students on the MA Art Practice Course at the University of Glamorgan seek to infiltrate the tempo of the Atrium foyer space through their work by making site specific interventions rather than traditional, discrete artwork. Our society, as a whole, is dependent and adept at 'reading' visual images of a persuasive, entertaining or instructional nature. This exhibition aims at being provocative, celebratory, subversive and enabling through visual means. The central question raised by the work on show is identity, that is to what or whom do we owe allegiance as individuals, groups or society? Where would we place ourselves when forced to take a stand? Who should we believe and how is the past evident in the present?

The Atrium space for all its clean architectural form is the opposite of the 'white cube' sanctified to display art; the functionality and business of the space at ground level is positively hostile to the contemplation of a painting or sculpture, the cavernous height might easily dwarf any artifact of modest scale. The challenges and constraints of the building have been positively embraced for the creative impetus they provide. While some of the work is more immediately visible, other pieces are deliberately incidental, quietly making their mark.

This is how I described my work in the brochure. Please see MA Fine Art website

Title: if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. Corinthians 13

Isobel draws parallels to a now changing throw away culture with the treatment of outcasts or marginalized people, such as the mentally ill or homeless. She sees people in these groups as excluded from society. Rather than eliciting pity or charitable attitudes she wishes to place these people in a position of power and authority redressing this imbalance.

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Van Gogh portraits

Sz Icon

Sz Icon

St Dymhna as shaman

St Dymhna as shaman

A story by Izzy

Live Forever

Once upon a time, in a place far far away, there lived a beautiful and spirited woman, who was like a wild flower.

Her hair contained the most incredible dreams and wonderful magic spells, from the most beautiful parts of the earth and from the edges of the solar system.

The wind of the East fell deeply in love with her and played through her lovely locks, it became such that she could command the weather.

One day the wind spoke to the smoke of her cigarette and told it to cling to each and every strand of her beautiful hair.
The cigarette smoke obeyed the wind and saturated through everyone of the golden threads and began to decay from within.

The bright sunshine of her days began to grow dimmer and colder and she was dragged deep under ground and was sent to Whitchurch Castle in the clouds.

Here she battled tooth and nail with demons and dragons. Spoke with angels and had untold adventures with good and evil.

The beautiful dreams that dwelt in her hair, turned into terrifying nightmares.

She went to the well to wash her hair, but the water would not cleanse or renew it. The sun refused to shine upon it and the saddest of all, the wind no longer wanted to play with it.

So the young woman by this time, had become a princess, scraped back her beloved hair into a ponytail and the gold sunshine began to grow out, taking her dreams and magic spells with it.

The Castle keepers were worried about her and so gave her a magic potion to rid the evil smoke that had claim of her hair.
An eternity came and went and she grew older.

One clear day the smoke had finally gone once and for all.

She was banished from the kingdom of Whitchurch and was now expected to toil the fields with the good men and women of the outside world.

She was now mortal and pined for the Easterly wind to play with her again, but he no longer loved her.

One cold morning, she had an idea to attract him back to her, so she sat at her mirror and plaited her hair into strands and put coloured ribbon on the ends to bind them.
Would he notice her again?

With her hair plaited, he would see a string of golden tears that she cried over missing him so much.

Now she lives in a little hut in the village and has worn her hair in plaits for 2,000 years.

One day she hopes it will be unravelled, when he remembers where he left his sunny days and warm nights with her on the moon.
The End

Illustration for story Live Forever

Illustration for story Live Forever
This is a drawing of the character in a story I wrote for a digital story telling course with the Four Winds

Bay Girls

Bay Girls
This is a drawing of two of my neighbours

Zippo face warmers

Zippo face warmers