I've been in love with this image for years. It comes with the album Ill Communication by the Beastie Boys a favourite of mine since the early 90s. I recommend listening to the Update. Since I last posted I've been thinking a lot that mental illness, (which I don't think is a very good way of describing a common aspect of human nature) as inclusive of everyone. Just an idea but I believe sanity is a rarer thing, something that has to be earned through overcoming challenges and being stretched and transformed by them. Thinking about mental illness on a global scale I think is an obvious way of looking at it. like the timeless Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai. I like to think if you . fear losing your mind if you haven't already or feel you never will. That feels to be like a form of insanity to be very secure in a particular world view. I wonder if this fear or absolute certainty in our perceptions comes from the rigidity and pressure we make for ourselves in society. That is having to appear to have it together at all times, maintain, look good, don't embarrass yourself, make good impressions and impress, be successful. Getting a bit trainspotting "Choose life, Choose a job"..... Although many people succeed in these requirements and good on them ( I'm still trying) There doesn't seem much margin for error. I often feel that we live in a strict and conservative society, it feels we are standing on ceremony. Constricted in our movements emotional, mental and physical as if we were all wearing very tight corsets. This tree of life image for me is so true of what is happening now with the priority being on superficiality. I think that at least the majority of us the way its going will look toned, youthful with great hair and clothes to greet the end of world.
"But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy"- Seal

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